Monday, October 14, 2013

Beating Cellulite with Yoga.

So after a month away I have had a chance to reset my daily habits.  Which is good as before I had my second child I was a prolific Yoga person, not always going to classes as I taught myself Yoga and Qi Gung at home from books.  I was an avid traveler so going to classes just wasn't an option.  But over the years I replaced my Yoga with running, instead of walking, personal training instead of stretching and my diet had become more meat focused.

So on my travels I had a change of diet and managed to loose some weight but had failed to manage to develop muscle tone and noticed the presence of cellulite, well more of it I'll be honest it's always been there just at varying degrees of intensity.  So whilst wearing a skirt that I would normally feel quite confident wearing the hail damaged rampant usually happy with thighs caught my attention.  Mmmm need to manage that look and rather than it all be superficial I thought back to how toned my legs were when I was practicing Yoga regularly.  Not only was it great exercise for my body it helped my mind focus on my goals and my general place in the world.  So after a bit of research online I found some Yoga postures that were good for cellulite in the legs, superficial I know but it was a big enough motivator to get me going so I will run with that. 

Now I have this rule when I am doing Yoga to not always wear super loose tops as it usually falls over the place so I love those cotton/spandex knit singlets that offer body support, especially around the tummy region as that goes all over the place in down dog.  That helps me to not look at my body and have negative thoughts. 

To be able to demonstrate the poses I like, I was going to draw some stick figures, which could create misinterpretation as my hand writing is a bit scratchy at times, and then I found this table above had most of the postures that I regularly do.  It is a Bikram sequence, not a Yoga practice I am fond of as it is good for a certain body type, trends always see people overlooking the fact that it may just not be good for me, and the guy behind Bikram has all kinds of ethics that I am not in align with.  But as a demonstrative table it's good. 

Now the postures I would exclude are 6; this can be done in a more gentle pose as shown below.
Yoga Pose King Dancer Steve Williams
and 12 as I find that if you are new to doing Yoga this pose can be a little hard to get your body into. 

What Yoga styles I like is the blend of the Hatha poses with the Iyengar instructions on how to activate the muscles in each pose.  This after 12 years of Yoga was the best not only for my mind to engage in each pose but for the effectiveness of my body to adapt these positions without fear of mismanaging the pose.  My body can't get past the Ashtanga warm up poses let alone the actual Yoga sequences, so Hatha it is.  My mind is crazy active so I need activities that allow my body to chill and nourish whilst getting fit.  That's also why Supping, Stand Up Paddle boarding, is also another activity that is good for me.

Now I haven't found anything that will give you Iyengar instruction on how to get your body in and out of these postures but I have found a site by a New York based Yoga Teacher which I found very informative.  Michael Taylor happens to be married to Tara Stiles and it was her Yoga sequences that I was practicing overseas with a little of my favourite poses mixed in there. 

Now I am a big fan of supporting your local Yoga teachers so if you are a classed based Yoga person then go to a class.  For me I need to streamline my time so I practice it at home and have convo's with my kids and hubbie whilst doing do.  The weblinks above are just a little find on my part to do Yoga from home within a space that will be supportive of how I want to do it.  So find your way, and even if you can't do a lot each day, Yoga teachers always profess it is better to do 10 mins a day rather than none at all. 

So sit on the floor in front of the TV to start if you have to, we all have reasons to do it and it is not always Zen monk inspired and that is totally cool.  From my perspective my body has never run smoother than when I walk my dog regularly and do Yoga.  I find when I stretch my body regularly I think about things differently so it works for me in keeping positive.


Irene xo

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Melbourne I love you..

Ok so I was going to talk about our recent trip to Melbourne but looking through my images in iPhoto I came across this beauty and I think this totally reflects the home I want to live in.
Large enough to have heaps of friends over for dinner, parties and to stay.  
Life is so busy I know my goals in life totally revolve around how i can expand my life with more time for my loved ones and inspiring events to come into our life.

But I digress, Melbourne is definitely somewhere I hold close to my heart, I was born there.  And I love the distinctive multi culturalism that isn't apparent so broadly anywhere else in Australia.  Every Italian joint we went to we felt like we were in Little Italy.  The locals are amorous and the sites never disappoint.

We saw Monet's exhibition, getting in the mood for France, and the Gallery was stunning and the actual exhibition was amazing.

Did you know Monet was inspired by Japanese Wood prints and the bridge he has in his beloved garden was inspired by Japanese art.  His two loves were his garden and his art.  He adored his wives and questioned his purpose in life when his second wife past.  But he always came back to art.  

It was his working through process.  

Anyways here is our collation of the art of Melbourne.  I love graffiti so walked and meandered down lanes to take these shots.  

This is going to be my new vege garden, watch out pallets of Brisbane, I shall be coming to get you..

Have an awesome day guys.. 

#IstyleSessions #windandwaterdesigns #irenepollak

Monday, April 29, 2013

Fashion is just an extension of your inner awesomeness.

Sometimes we don't realise how courageous we are every day for the decisions we make and the avenues we take.  But it is more for others and automatic for some.  University has been a major decision that sometimes I do question but I am almost at the half way mark and I am glad I have stuck with it as I am changing my destiny.  But it doesn't have to be so epic a decision as we make little changes to our lives we change the outcome to our day.  The YouTube video I have attached is about a man name Mister Rogers who passed away in 2009 from stomach cancer but had dedicated his life to showing people the good in life.
I do hope you take time to watch it as I feel watching him reminds me of the good in the world and the way we can be as we bring out the good in ourselves and others when we follow our dreams.
How this relates to fashion?  When we feel good about ourselves what we put on every day reflects that, not trends.  What I have found from selling fashion for 11 years is that everyone makes my designs their own.  As it is everyone's unique way of thinking that brings about the essence of what their style means to them.  So if you feel good throughout whatever means gets you there, you will always look fashionable, always look beautiful, always do your best.
Fashion is the means of bringing what is inside out.
Love you awesome nerds.  (Pitch Perfect, 2012)  if you haven't seen it, go get it out and have a giggle fest and try and sit still in your seat..
 (I had to write this blog twice and I think the 2nd go round I just made it that little bit better.  Enjoy)
Irene Pollak
humble servant.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Hello 2013

It's been a while since I wrote in my blog so I thought I would start as I enter into my second year of Uni.  

Life has taken me on an interesting trip last year and my love for my designs has evolved and I see it's place in my life as a source of creativity and also with helping in the community.  

I love it that I help women feel better and I also now get to be home more for my family as I was putting them to the side while I tried to make Wind and Water this raving success.  Then I sat with it and thought, how I want to feel with my business is of service.  To feel that I am contributing to the whole but not necessarily the only.  

So now I work less but think more about what I am to design.  How it fits into my wardrobe and flatters my body.  I don't want to be a major consumer or contributor to that lifestyle.  Just enough.  That's where I am at with it.  Hence the smaller production line, the little bit of this and that.  Talking and helping women feel confident with their choices, so not that one, when necessary.  

I figure my life will turn out how I want to feel within it, rather what I think society expects of me.  As long as I do what's good for me and those around me I figure life will be good, people in general will be happy and I can focus on the good things in life.

Stand up paddle boarding, designing, cooking, VLS on Friday nights with my hubby on the deck watching the kids and walking my dog cause he is getting a little bit too much loving in the kitchen.

It's all about the way we feel, that makes life turn out for the better.  

check out Danielle LaPorte, she's Canadian, crazy and so right..

Monday, July 9, 2012

Keeping it simple

Nothing like doing full on study to reshuffle priorities in your mind. After having my beautiful brother and 6 of his 7 children come to visit. I had the chance to go around to the shops and style the whole family. They did look amazing by the time they left, with their looks a few well cut jeans and tops and frocks for the girls and they were set,.

 So do we really need lots of clothes is it something about the art of a score that makes us have that feeling of satisfaction. I know I get fidgety if I don't have new designs or fabrics coming in. But the shops were crammed with lots of way less than inspiring fashions. Lots of ill fitting clothes, way too tiny, one shop didn't go past 12, and synthetics. Global warming is not a catch phrase. Corn uses more water than cotton and we grow 10 times more corn to feed cattle. So my point is, hang out for the good stuff. Spend a little more for something that has a great cut and style. Don't just consume honour yourself by buying things that fit well, goes with at least a couple of things in your wardrobe. Eat well, call your family at least once a week and read a good book.

 Get inspired about a cause, take time to cook a great meal, learn something new. All these things are what makes for a great life, move more towards the things that inspire you and away from the things that bring you down. Keep
It's simple. Be inspired and inspiring and if we do all of this I think we may just leave this world better than we found it. Check out the story of stuff website. We must be on the same wavelength as her post is what I am talking about. If you are going to buy, buy from the little guys as that money stays in our community.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Cleaning your wardrobe part 1

I promise I will get together to do a little you tube video of this so you can see what I am talking about but this will give you study material to work with.

Through the past few style consultations I have done there is one theme that stands out. Everyone keeps their work clothes with their everything else clothes. Now if you love your job and you wear anything you like and wear your casual smart clothes to work then this isn't going to be such a big do, but keeping your work specific clothes seperate is an easy way to start on your wardrobe. Also take notes on clothes that you don't wear due to it needing repairs. Get onto those, either sweet talk some lovely person in your life with cake and tea and a chat while they do your repairs, make it fun or bundle it into a deal for a local sewer maybe semi retired. If you love it fix it, if you don't then throw it, take note what you paired it with and keep an eye out for a replacement next shop. Put a note in your wallet so you remember.

Ok that's it for today, each little step will get you feeling more confident in what you shop for and wear. You will also save money and time when you know what you have and need.

Happy Monday.


Monday, May 28, 2012

Some inspiring things that light my day

As part of my first unit assignments I had to build a web presence on something I was interested in and that was styling. I've had so much fun styling a few select clients this past month and it has inspired me to resume my styling sessions in store at the collective store.
As I wanted to do a few shots from the Satorialist I emailed to ask permission and I got a reply. I think that made everything amazing for me that day. So here is my shot and others from unknown sources and vogue magazine. Enjoy and I hope it inspires your day.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

New designs in the playground

I have been looking at my wardrobe and contemplating what designs I would really love to jump out at me.. So I have been scouting the web to find some inspiration.
Tunics have definitely caught my eye.
Vintage market place have been my play places to discover styles I like and the op shops locally.

Wiki body types

Through doing some uni work tonight I found this Wikipedia link, it's worth a read.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Feather fashion

You know I have been keeping an eye on this trend and it's one you can subtly add to your wardrobe or not. But there are some clever little bunnies offering some reasonably priced alternatives to high end prices. So check them out.
Wild heart jewellery again another fb business.

Also crystal drop necklaces I live these I have found them on lost.found.made Facebook page.